= Unattended-upgrades setup Unattended-upgrades setup role. It also installs and configures Postfix as a SMTP relay in order to send emails when target system needs to be rebooted. == Requirements This role was written for Debian (tested on >= 11) and requires root privileges. == Role Variables Variables can be found in the link:./defaults/main.yml[default vars file]. As a bare minimum you should configure SMTP credentials. [source,yaml] ---- upgrades_sender: "{{ ansible_user }}@{{ ansible_hostname }}.lan" ---- Defines which email unattended-upgrades will use to send emails. [source,yaml] ---- postfix_hostname: "{{ ansible_hostname }}.lan" ---- Configures Postfix hostname. [source,yaml] ---- smtp_username: smtp_password: smtp_port: 587 ---- SMTP credentials (required). Port defaults to 587 (STARTTLS). [source,yaml] ---- relay_servername: "{{ smtp_username | regex_search('(?<=@)(.+)\\.[\\w]+$') }}" ---- SMTP servername, defaults to `smtp_username` domain. If yours differs modify it here. [source,yaml] ---- custom_smtp_header: false from_header: from_email: ---- Customizes SMTP header. Make sure to configure `from_header` (added header) and `from_email` (email address of FROM) correctly if you enable SMTP headers variable. [source,yaml] ---- smtp_masquerade: false ---- SMTP masquerade allows to replace the FROM statement to the value of `smtp_username`. [source,yaml] ---- additional_lists: [] ---- List of additional sources lists you want to add to unattended-upgrades. == Dependencies None. == Example Playbook [source,yaml] ---- - name: Deploy automatic upgrades hosts: all become: true vars: smtp_username: user@domain.com smtp_password: pa$$word roles: - role: 'unattended-upgrades' ---- == License BSD-3 == Author Information Role created by https://git.syyrell.com/syrell[syrell].